Indie Games: The Movie

1. What are some of the difference between "big games" and "independent games" in terms of style/concepts and how they are made?
     Big games are typically backed by a large studio and multiple publishers, and they have many coders, usually around 100, simultaneously working. They have absolute set quotas that must be met during production, and typically the end product needs to be well polished, well tested, and void of bugs. On the contrasting side, independent games lack the large budgets and multiple publishers, typically having a single publisher, or none at all. Most independent companies lack large amounts of staff, and the creation process is stressful and difficult, with due dates being met sporadically and infrequently. However, independently developed games usually have a personal element. The bugs, flow, and art style of the game serve to virtualize the authors personality (or personalities), which contrasts to the machine manufactured big budget games.

2. What are some of the difficulties the developers in the film had to overcome?

     The most prominent difficulties independent developers face, aside from the obvious need to self fund, is the sheer amount of work involved in coding a graphical environment, characters for said environment, and laws that determine how and when those characters behave. This takes enormous amounts of time and patience.

3. What do you think you would like about working on an indie (independent) game? What do you think you might not like?

     The freedom to come up with your own original concept and design it how you see fit, rather than needing the confirmation from your producer or publisher, definitely seems enticing. I doubt I'd attempt my own indie game after witnessing the stress the developers are under.

4. What is some advice you could offer to someone who is trying to create their own game, based on what you learned in the film?

     Persistence is key. Though creating a game from scratch may seem very daunting, as long as you keep putting effort into it, you'll reach completion. 

5. For the developers, what is the best part of completing the creation of a game?

     The best part for the devs is witnessing the players initial reactions, thoughts, and how they use the game mechanics.


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