Video Games: The Movie

Video Games - The Movie Questions

1. Video games were initially successful for a plethora of reasons. Namely, video games were the first step in the medium of an interactive graphical entertainment medium. Originally, popularity was due to the initial uniqueness of the original video games - people were enthralled with having control over a character.

2. The main reason for the video game industry crash was the mass production. Companies, conglomerates, and independent studios were looking to hop on the bandwagon in an attempt to generate some revenue on the initial hype created by the first wave of high quality video games.

3. I do believe video games are a form of art. They take as much work as high budget cinematography and they are a medium in which people express individuality, ideals, artistic talent, and creative original writing.

4. The next logical step in the video game industry is likely virtual reality. It is a visual medium that outclasses monitors and televisions in terms of immersion and display quality, and I think it's only logical that it's the next step for video game developers to market to.


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