Game Design Skills

           This post will cover a few skills necessary to game design that I possess and believe to have a decent understanding of, as well as a singular skill I don't believe I have a grasp of.

           The first skill I believe I have a decent grasp of is public speaking. I've always been a confident public speaker - not stemming from the fact that I think I'm good at it, but from the fact that I generally disregard peoples' opinions. In elementary, I managed to score among the top ten of a school-wide public speaking competition, being the only male in the upper ten. I have excellent pronunciation and an advanced vocabulary, allowing myself to formulate and pronounce properly complicated words that would derive a sense of confusion from most people in my grade.

          The second skill that I believe I do well, though this is more just the collective knowledge I've picked up regarding past events, is history. If I aimed to develop a game with a plot even remotely related to history, it would be easy. Well-known events are prominent in my memory, including details forgotten to most. I believe I have the historical knowledge to make a well rounded plot, should the opportunity for a historical game arise.

         The third, and final, skill I think I have a decent grasp of would be music. My tastes reflect on a large pool, and a large timeline, of genres, and dates, ranging anywhere from John Denver to David Bowie to Sia to Kendrick Lamar. I also have a decent grasp of composers, for purely instrumental background music, like Martin O' Donnel or Neil Davidge, and I think with my large genre and artist knowledge, I could pick appropriate and fitting music for a game.

          The singular subject I think I don't have a good understanding of is communication. Pressing my own ideas onto others, especially those of which developed with a particularly intellectual standpoint, can be difficult when they don't share your ideals or concepts.


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